Breaking news: has decided to "block [the ebook version of Jewish Futures] from being sold on Amazon." Apparently, the fact that Fantastic Books published the print version means that Fantastic Books submitting the ebook version to publish through them violates... something. I have no idea. So, if you use a Kindle ebook reader, and you'd like to read an electronic version of Jewish Futures, we recommend you buy it directly from Fantastic Books. Doing so will get you both the epub and the mobi versions of the book.
Amazon provides a number of ways to load your eBooks on to your Kindle. For instance, you can email it to your Kindle address. Click this link for their email instructions, however the "Other Ways to Send" column on the right side of the Amazon page also shows you the other options available to you.
Also, they seem to have finally realized that the trade paperback version of the book is available.