This weekend is Fantastic Books' first science fiction convention of the calendar year. We’ll be at Arisia in Boston. If you’re looking for me (hiding behind my mask, because the convention has a policy which I think is doing something to be seen to be doing something, rather than something that might actually be effective), I’ll be in the Dealers’ Room: Friday, 5–9pm; Saturday and Sunday, 10am–1pm and 2–7pm; Monday 10am–2:30pm.
I’ll also be on several panels, including:
Friday at 8:30pm in Marina 4: “Mythology for Fictional Worlds” with Elizabeth Birdsall, Rob Cameron, Andrea Hairston, and Chris Lester
Sunday at 2:30pm in Marina 4: “Fascinating Timelines of History” with E.C. Ambrose, Allison Neff, Daniel Neff, and Elijah Kinch Spector
Sunday at 8:30pm in Faneuil: “Embracing the Alien: Writing Believable ETs” with Sara Cordair, Kristin Janz, and W.A. Thomasson
And yes, I do see a conflict with the Friday night panel starting before the dealers’ room closes. I’ll figure it out at the convention (may just close the table half an hour early). Hope to be able to see you there!