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Tonight's signing at Brookline Booksmith


We had a great discussion and signing of Jewish Futures at Brookline Booksmith this evening. The panel was lead by editor Michael A. Burstein, and included me (the publisher), cover artist Eli Portman, and authors E.M. Ben Shaul (who wrote “Mission Divergence”) and S.I. Rosenbaum & Abraham Josephine Reisman (who co-wrote “The Ascent”). The event was also live-streamed, and the store will be posting a video recording of it in a few days. I think they were pleased; there were only eight or nine copies left at the end of the evening, which we signed and which should be on the shelf now (if you missed us and want to get one).

Then Michael and I wrapped up the evening by signing the limited edition and other signed copies requested in the Kickstarter campaign. Those will be going in the mail to our incredibly patient backers when I get back to New York. In the gallery are a few pictures from the evening, including one of the two of us holding the first two of those limited-edition books in the exceedingly rare “half-signed state.” After the picture, Michael counter-signed his copy. I’m still wondering if I should sign mine. What do you think?

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